Summer’s End

Tomorrow is the first day of school and today we topped the divide on Independence Pass.And my oh my, those are all ladybugs!! Seen off of I-70 tonight in Jefferson county. WOW! Here is a quick [...]

Robin Eggs

It’s Spring with the coming of new life. Robin eggs ready to hatch seen at Laura’s house on Mariposa. Thanks for sharing the magic of nature Laura.

I Love Earthday

And I love Maya and Dan and Carter and Tyler Giving thanks for the blessings of communication, patience, opening and forgiveness.Bearing witness to transformation softens my heart.And if you [...]


If we accept that life is always trying to teach us exactly what we need to learn, we can view everything that happens to us as a gift. Even experiences that are uncomfortable or painful contain [...]


The rare sighting of a mama moose and her baby.Photographed outside of Nederland, CO.

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